Finally... a fun, focused and joy-full group coaching
mini-course on Mastering Your Mindset of Possibilities!

Image by Alfonso Cerezo
The biggest thing holding you back is you. Start there.
― Hunter Post
You probably already know this: most of us have habituated, hardcore beliefs that get in the way of living our best, most brilliant life. Have you ever noticed that?
If you're frustrated about where you are in your life, and are not seeing the results that you'd like, perhaps the problem is between your ears.
Let us help.
If it's true that there's such a thing as a success mindset, does that mean there's also a mediocre mindset? A failure mindset?
And with our skillful, loving and entertaining guidance, you can absolutely change from a mediocre or failure mindset to an empowered and power-full success mindset —and finally achieving what you want to achieve!
If there's any part of you that's saying YES to this, then join us for a fun
and engaging deep dive this Fall—
Mastering Your Mindset of Possibilities
Tuesday evenings at 5 pm Central time
(3 pm Pacific, 4 pm San Miguel, 6 pm Eastern, Midnight London time)
beginning September 19, 2023. There is room for the first 12 people who sign up. As of this writing, there are 6 spaces available.
We'll be gathering on Zoom for 5 weeks, with each session lasting
about 75 minutes.
And yes, there's a 101% Happiness Guarantee.
Your 101% Action-Taker "Happiness Guarantee."
If, after fully completing the program and giving your best effort to the inspired action steps, you don't see a marked improvement in your mental, physical, financial or spiritual wellbeing, your money will be refunded to you 101%. (Yup. That's more than your initial investment. That's how much we believe in this work—and the results.) *Please note: Because of the deeply powerful intention of this course, only sign up if this is a HELL YES for you at this time. Open to only 12 people, minimum of 4. *Minimum number has already been reached, as of August, 2023. There are no refunds for cancellations. Thank you!
Hi! I'm Joseph...

I've been a student of the success mindset, abundance, spirituality, personal development and creativity for more than 20 years.
These studies have given me the tools I needed to be happily married for 23 years, quit smoking, get sober, be debt-free for 25 years, write five books, sell hundreds of pieces of my art, and help my clients achieve more peace of mind, prosperity, sobriety, stronger and kinder relationships with others—and themselves.
And this September, together with my talented husband and co-facilitator of the program, Eli Hans, I'll joy-fully share these tools with you.
"Joseph was able to open my eyes and heart which has led to my greatly increased level of healing. His deep care and compassion for life is overflowing in each session that we have together." —Jude C.
"There has been a major shift in my mindset because of the course. With all the workshops, books, and coaching, I had not realized how to change my thinking. I knew the information intellectually... However, this knowledge did not give me the insight (until now) about what was standing in the way of actually changing. There was a puzzle with pieces missing, and through your explanations and demonstrations, I realized what the puzzle piece was--ME!!!! Now the work begins, and I know I am safe and supported by you. Working with both Eli and Joseph together was amazing. You complimented each other by bringing new ways of shifting. You both were articulate and funny, and brave. I hope we can continue to work together." —A recent workshop participant
This unique group coaching program, Mastering Your Mindset of Possibilities, has been wanting to be birthed for some time, and co-creating it with YOU this Fall is going to be amazing! The initial program in Summer, 2023 SOLD OUT.
We'd love to include you in the Fall series, so please sign up sooner than later.
Thank you! We're looking forward to supporting you in creating, enjoying, and mastering a mindset you love.
All my love,

Certified Happiness Coach, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and EFT (Tapping) Practitioner.